Attic Installation (Existing)

Ra-flect™ Stapled to Bottom of Roof Rafters:

This installation is considered to be the best method in hot climates where cooling is far more important than heating. This type of installation will generally keep the entire attic space much cooler compared to a non radiant barrier insulated attic, and will effectively block radiant heat from striking air handlers and ductwork in the attic. Also, any attic air which happens to leak into the return side of the ductwork will be cooler, causing less stress on the cooling equipment, increasing its efficiency and lengthening its life.

Although this installation method is the most efficient, it is also the most challenging and requires the most work and time to install. However, once complete, this is a maintenance free installation method requiring no cleaning as it is generally not affected by dust.

Installation Tips:

  • Perforated Ra-felct™ Radiant Barrier should be used for this job
  • Pre-measure installation areas with tape measure and cut pieces to length on flat surface
  • Re-roll Radiant Barrier into smaller lighter rolls for better mobility
  • Unroll the Radiant Barrier, hold in place and staple to bottom of roof joists
  • Trim around vertical bracing
  • It is generally easiest to apply the strips perpendicular to the direction of the roof rafters
  • Overlap runs by approximately 2 inches, or meet at vertical rafters if installing parallel to rafters
  • Taped seams are not required in this installation

Ra-flect™ Over Attic Floor

This installation method is the most common installation in the north, and easiest way of installing a Radiant Barrier in an existing attic. This method helps to reduce radiant heat gain through the ceiling in the summer and helps to retain interior heat in the winter. This installation method is susceptible to some dust accumulation, however Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier is a double sided product and will continue to perform, but if left uncleaned, a slight degradation can be expected.

Installation Tips:

  • You must use Perforated Ra-felct™ Radiant Barrier for this job
  • Unroll the Radiant Barrier over the existing attic insulation along ceiling joist
  • Trim around vertical bracing
  • Periodically staple to the ceiling joists to hold in place
  • Overlap strips by approximately 3-4 inches
  • Taped seams are not required in this installation

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