Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier Between Rafters:
This installation method holds your insulation away from the roof decking, providing a 3/4" minimum space where the reflected radiant heat can be ventilated. This method will reflect radiant heat gain from the sun during the summer and the Radiant Barrier/insulation combo will help to keep heat in during the winter.

Installation Tips:
- You must use Perforated Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier when installing in a cathedral ceiling.
- Run the 25.5” wide strips parallel to roof rafters as shown in the image.
- Staple the appropriate width material between joist leaving 3/4” to 1” airspace between the Radiant Barrier and roof decking.
- Fill the remaining joists space with regular batting type insulation. Adding an optional 2x2 furring strip of wood will give even more space for insulation.
- Attach drywall or interior finish to bottom of roof rafters.
Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier Rafter Wrap Method:
This installation is similar to the method mentioned above, however, this installation would be considered a bit easier by most. The results of this installation method will be very similar to the method above, however, by wrapping the rafters additional protection against thermal bridging will be attained. I this installation method full 51” Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier sheets are run perpendicular to the direction of the roof rafters, allowing the material to reach inside each cavity approximately 3/4” away from the roof decking.

- You must use Perforated Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier when installing in a cathedral ceiling.
- Run Ra-flect™ strips perpendicular to the direction of the roof rafters.
- Allow material to wrap around each rafter inside each cavity stopping and stapling at about 3/4” to 1” from roof decking.
- Pull the material taunt across the cavity and staple on opposite side at 3/4” to 1” from roof decking.
- Run Ra-flect™ strip over the next rafter and into the next cavity.
- Overlap 51” Ra-flect™ strips by roughly 2” on each row.
- Fill the remaining rafter cavities with regular batting type insulation.
- Attach drywall or interior finish to bottom of roof rafters.