Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier Under Floor Installation:
Our Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier can be used under an elevated floor to cut down on heat gain or heat loss through the flooring.

Installation Tips:
- Perforated Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier is recommended for this job
- Unroll the Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier and staple to bottom of floor joists
- Overlap each run by about 2 inches
- Tape seams to reduce air infiltration
- Widths: 52” and 25.5”
Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier in Radiant Heat Flooring:
Radiant heat floors are becoming very popular, however, they have a tendency to loose their heat to the space below. Our Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier will increase the efficiency of these radiant floors by reflecting the majority of this heat back into the conditioned space.

Installation Tips:
- Perforated Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier is recommended for this job
- Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier should be sized in width to match your floor joist spacing
- Install Radiant Barrier directly beneath radiant heat tubing
- Staple in place or allow the material to rest on top of the floor insulation
- Add conventional insulation to the underside of the Radiant Barrier
- Widths for dimensional lumber - 25.5” (24” o.c.) or 51” (3 x 16” o.c.)
- Widths for manufactured floor joists - 25.5” (24” o.c.) or 51” (3 x 16” o.c.)
Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier Between Radiant Heated Floors:
When used in the floor between two radiant heated floors, our Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier helps direct the heat to the zone in which it is needed.

Installation Tips:
- Perforated Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier is recommended for this job
- Ra-flect™ Radiant Barrier should be sized in width to match your floor joist spacing
- Install Radiant Barrier directly beneath radiant heat tubing
- Staple in place
- Typically, conventional insulation is not used, except for sound control
- Widths for dimensional lumber - 25.5” (24” o.c.) or 51” (3 x 16” o.c.)
- Widths for manufactured floor joists - 25.5” (24” o.c.) or 51” (3 x 16” o.c.)